Example A.1

MATLAB code for example 1 from appendix A of the book "Regeltechniek voor het HBO"

Laplace techniques for a double pole

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Table of Contents
Given is a process, input , output and differential equation:
We assume that for there is static equilibrium and x and y are constant (so ). Moreover all derivatives with respect to t are zero and the constant values of x and y we take as reference (value zero). A change of at of course will change from ; in that case we get for the differential equation in Laplace-form:
It appears to be possible to write:
(Mathematics has taught us to operate like this, but it is very simple: if you try somthing else you won't get a solution).
, and this has to be correct for all values of s
This must be true for every s and that means we get three equations for the factors before , and :
, and
, and by table lookup:
Due to the double pole in the graphically supported method of section 3.4.4 cannot be applied. A practical solution would be to slightly separate the two poles in , for instance to and . Now the method of section 3.4.4 can be applied again. This is also more in line with reality, because due to inaccuracies, tolerances, wear etc. Poles (and zeros too) will never be exactly equal to each other and/or in a fixed, rigid position in the s-plane..
The change of pole positions proposed here would provide the solution according to the graphical method:
Although this expression looks completely different from the previous one, its numeric values for are found to be almost equal.