Example H8.3
Matlab code for example 8.3 from the book "Regeltechniek voor het HBO"
Controller gain for an given overshoot of a third order system with unit feedback
- Date : 13/10/2021
- Revision : 1.0
Copyright (c) 2021, Studieboeken Specialist Permission is granted to copy, modify and redistribute this file, provided that this header message is retained.
In figure 8.8 a third order process is controlled by a P-controller with gain
. - What should be the K-factor of this controller if the overshoot in a step response is allowed to be about 20%?
- For this
also determine the settling time
The root locus for
is shown in figure 8.9 (see figure 6.11-l, or simulate the root locus in MatLab as shown in example 6.12). The root locus equation is:
. From the overshoot
can be determined:
(note: here you can see what we do very often: using a formula that applies to a pure second order proces for a higher order process that is "dominant second order" in the points
of figure 8.9, because the third pole is already (far?) away to the left on the real axis). From
we get
, but we want to continue with the
, λ, ω parameters. Because
, we can describe
in figure 8.9 as
. Substituted in the root locus equation we get:
. These are two equations in one:
. From the latter we get the (mathematical) solutions:
. But
we can't accept physically as we can see directly in figure 8.9. The same holds for
. That would mean in figure 8.9 that
! So
is the only one we can acccept:
. With the sum rule (see formula 6.35 and
) we easily find the third pole:
. Substituting this value in the root locus equation gives us
in the points
of figure 8.9:
, and that means an area of proportionality of the controller of
(in practice the area of proportionality is an important aspect of the controller).For
and thus
we can determine the settling time
in a step response: At a step response we also are interested in the static behaviour
of the controlled process:
. So the accuracy is
and the static error
. A larger
give a smaller error for the static state, but a larger overshoot and a higher frequency in the transient. And the risk of oversteering the actuator is present. Like in real live, there is also give and take in control engineering! In this example we had to do a lot of calculations. In fact, we need to let the computer do that as much as possible so that we can focus on understanding. That's all that really matters.
Matlab code for this example
% clear all variables from Workspace and close all figures.
The given situation and assignment
Assume that a third order system with unit feedback is controlled by a P-controller (figure 8.8 in the book). The third order system is given as:
Find the gain of the proportional controller, such that the steprespons has a overshoot of 20%. Determine also the setlling time for this gain.
Define model parameters
Create proces and plot stepresponse
title('Stepressponse openloop process');
Plot root locus
Determine gain of the P-controller
% get the handle to the plot options
p.Title.String='Root Locus of H_{p}';
% write the options to the figure
Read the gain from the plot where the rootlocus intersects with the line from the origin of the plot under 45 degrees. That is where Beta = 0.45 and the overshoot is max 20%. To do this in Matlab you might have to go the command Window and paste the code above again to get a picture/plot outside the LiveScript environment where you can right click on it to read the rootlocus gain values.
Create controller and analyze closed loop
title('Stepresponse closed loop');
Generate Matlab figure(s) for usage in the book
Init create Enhanced Figures
Close all the earlier enhanced figures with a certain tag
EnhancedFig = findobj(0, 'Tag', 'EnhancedImage');
Enhance the figures
set(gcf, 'Tag','EnhancedImage');
% create the plot again but now with rlocusplot to return a figure handle
% get the handle to the plot options
p.Title.String='Root locus plot of H_p';
% write the options to the figure
% Calculate location axis
Xoffset=0.14; % left part of the figure window not used by the graph
Scale=0.8; % part of the whole figure window used by the graph
omega = char(969); % Greek letter omega
lambda = char(955); % Greek letter lambda
annotation(figure1,'textarrow',[Vaxis_loc Vaxis_loc],...
[0.79 0.86],'String',{omega});
annotation(figure1,'textarrow',[0.9-0.07 0.9],...
[0.48 0.48],'String',{lambda});
[Vaxis_loc 0.52 0.077 0.051],...
[Vaxis_loc 0.46 0.0306 0.042],...
[Vaxis_loc+0.01 0.81 0.077 0.0517],...
'String',['Kpn=', num2str(Kpn)],...
Function pool
The code below is only meant to supply functions that can be used in the script above
function displaySettlingTime(sys, threshold)
stepResults = stepinfo(y,t,'SettlingTimeThreshold',threshold);
indexSettling = find(t>=stepResults.SettlingTime,1);
plot([0 t(indexSettling)],[y(indexSettling) y(indexSettling)],'g-.');
plot([t(indexSettling) t(indexSettling)],[0 y(indexSettling)],'g-.');
function displayPoles(sys,zeta,wn)
plot([0 -sigma], [0 wd],'r:');
text(-sigma/3,0.5,['\beta = cos^{-1}(\zeta)']);
plot([-sigma -sigma], [0 wd],'r:');
plot([0 -sigma], [wd wd],'k:');
plot([0 -sigma], [0 0],'r:');
function displayCharacteristics(sys,threshold)
stepResults = stepinfo(y,t,'SettlingTimeThreshold',threshold);
indexSettling = find(t>=stepResults.SettlingTime,1);
plot([0 t(indexSettling)],[y(indexSettling) y(indexSettling)],'k-.');
plot([t(indexSettling) t(indexSettling)],[0 y(indexSettling)],'k-.');
text(stepResults.SettlingTime+0.1,0.9,['t_s \approx ',num2str(stepResults.SettlingTime),' sec']);
plot([stepResults.PeakTime stepResults.PeakTime], [0 stepResults.Peak],'k-.');
plot([0 stepResults.PeakTime], [stepResults.Peak stepResults.Peak],'k-.');
text(stepResults.PeakTime+0.1,0.1,['t_p = ',num2str(stepResults.PeakTime),' sec']);
text(stepResults.PeakTime+0.1,stepResults.Peak+0.03,['M_p = ',num2str(stepResults.Overshoot),'%']);