Example H8.2

MATLAB code for example 8.2 from the book "Regeltechniek voor het HBO"

Effect of a P-Controller on a second order process

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In figure 8.6 a second order process is controlled by a P-controller with gain .
The root locus of this system for is shown in figure 8.7. In figure 6.13d we can see that the break away point on the real axis in this case is just in the middle of the two starting points, so . Substituting this value in the root locus equation
yields .
For the poles become complex conjugated and an oscillation will occur in the transient of a step response.
For the absolute damping λ is constant and equal to .
(this follows from ) and (this follows from ).
The overshoot is also increasing when .
If we demand that the overshoot remains limited to 4%, then can increase until the two poles equal , because here , and .
Then the value of turns out to be (by substituting or in the root locus equation you can determine this). This value of means an area of proportionality of .
The static behaviour of the system we can determine by substituting (see example 6.10) in the overall transfer function:
for .
So the accuracy is 68% and the error .