Example H6.12

MATLAB code for example 6.12 from the book "Regeltechniek voor het HBO"

Determination of the root locus manually and with MATLAB

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A process has three time constants: 1.0, 0.25 and 0.1. The static gain of the process is 10. This system is provided with negative unit feed back and in the forward path of the loop a variable gain is included.
Draw the root locus for as accurate as possible. Determine also the value of K for which this system becomes unstable and in that case.


The block diagram of this system will be as shown in figure 6.14.
The static gain of the process () indeed equals and .
The root locus equation is:
or in "normaal vorm":
The system has three poles () and no zeros ().
The characteristics of the root locus are:
With all this data the root locus can be drawn (figure 6.15). But with the following MATLAB live script it would be much easier:
% clear all variables from Workspace and close all figures.
clear variables;
close all;
% Define 's' variable
The system becomes unstable as soon as the root locus passes the imaginary axis in and .
In that case, with the aid of the sum rule ( and ), we can determine the value of the third pole .
Substituting this value of in the root locus equation gives us .
But for this value of the points/poles and are solutions of the root locus equation too, so .
The oscillation frequency that arises at these points we can find by substituting (or ) in the root locus equation for :
54, or:
these are two equations in one: and .
The mathematical solutions are: and . We only can accept rad/s.