Example 6.11
Matlab code for example 6.11 from the book "Regeltechniek voor het HBO"
Fourteen examples of systems and their rootlocus
- Date : 15/07/2018
- Revision : 1.0
Copyright (c) 2018, Studieboeken Specialist Permission is granted to copy, modify and redistribute this file, provided that this header message is retained.
Figure 6.13 shows common root loci based on the block diagram of figure 6.12. The course of the loci can be easily checked with the construction rules, but it is much easier to let the computer do that (see example 6.12). But remember: in a root locus ONLY AND ONLY poles are displayed, no zeros! The "little circle" (or circles) you see is/are the pole(s) of the system for
and in fact it is wrong to use the symbol of a zero in this/these point(s). So be aware of this and don't confuse a root locus with the pole and zero plot of a system (where there can be zeros). Initialisation
clear all variables from Workspace
% Disable warnings on complex valued poles and zeros
warning off Control:ltiobject:TFComplex
Create models:
First we define each of the models using the zeros, poles and
as depicted in fig 6.13 in the book. a) one pole
b) one pole and one zero (is pole for
!) c) one pole and one zero (is pole for
!) d) two different real poles
e) two coincident real poles
f) two complex conjugated poles
g) two poles and one zero (is pole for
!) h) two poles and one zero (is pole for
!) i) two poles and one zero (is pole for
!) j) two poles and one zero (is pole for
!) k) three poles
l) three coincident real poles
m) three poles and one zero (is pole for
!) n) three poles and one zero (is pole for
!) % Define the models using a structure
Hmodels = struct('Proces',s,'Name','Procesname');
Hmodels(1).Name='fig 6.13a';
Hmodels(2).Name='fig 6.13b';
Hmodels(3).Name='fig 6.13c';
Hmodels(4).Name='fig 6.13d';
Hmodels(5).Name='fig 6.13e';
Hmodels(6).Name='fig 6.13f';
Hmodels(7).Name='fig 6.13g';
Hmodels(8).Name='fig 6.13h';
Hmodels(9).Name='fig 6.13i';
Hmodels(10).Name='fig 6.13j';
Hmodels(11).Name='fig 6.13k';
Hmodels(12).Name='fig 6.13l';
Hmodels(13).Name='fig 6.13m';
Hmodels(14).Name='fig 6.13n';
Plot root locus, bodediagram and stepresponse
First choose the system you want to analyze
%Choose system to analyze
% Determine model number from the given letter
% Fine tune the look of the plot
% get the handle to the plot options
p.Title.String=['Root Locus of ', FigName];
% write the options to the figure
Generate Matlab figure(s) for usage in the book
Init create Enhanced Figures
Close all the earlier enhanced figures with a certain tag
EnhancedFig = findobj(0, 'Tag', 'EnhancedImage');
Enhance the figures for possible use in the book
set(gcf, 'Tag','EnhancedImage');
% create the plot again but now with rlocusplot to return a figure handle
% get the handle to the plot options
p.Title.String=['Root Locus of ', FigName];
% write the options to the figure
% Calculate location axis
Xoffset=0.14; % left part of the figure window not used by the graph
Scale=0.8; % part of the whole figure window used by the graph
omega = char(969); % Greek letter omega
lambda = char(955); % Greek letter lambda
annotation(figure1,'textarrow',[Vaxis_loc Vaxis_loc],...
[0.79 0.86],'String',{omega});
annotation(figure1,'textarrow',[0.9-0.07 0.9],...
[0.48 0.48],'String',{lambda});
[Vaxis_loc 0.52 0.077 0.051],...
[Vaxis_loc-0.03 0.46 0.0306 0.042],...
[Vaxis_loc+0.01 0.81 0.077 0.0517],...
'String',['Kpn=', num2str(Kpn)],...