Example H5.8
Matlab code for example 5.8 from the book "Regeltechniek voor het HBO"
Root locus of a first order proces with a zero to the right of the imaginary axis
- Date : 02/03/2022
- Revision : 1.0
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Root locus of a first order proces with a zero to the right of the imaginary axis
In a first order process we want to examine the influence of a zero to the right of the imaginary axis. In figure 5.11 we take:
.The transfer function of the closed system equals:
The equation for the root locus is:
we get:
, the pole of the open system; stable because left of the imaginary axis and starting point of the root locus (because
). For 
; unstable or marginally stable. For
; unstable and the so called end point of the root locus (because
). Figure 5.14 shows the complete course of the root locus for
. We see for
that the pole is in the same place as the zero of the open system. Note: despite the fact that for
the pole position should be represented by a cross, we still take the circle symbol of the zero of the open system. Actually not correct, but usual. From figure 5.14 we can conclude that the system remains a first order system (always only one pole). The system behaviour is determined by a variable pole and a constant zero (see formula 5.17). In terms of stability we see, that the system becomes unstable for
. See figure 3.11 for the transient in a step response for
or simulate a step response with the live script (limit the time to avoid a huge output signal) Matlab code for this example
% clear all variables from Workspace and close all figures.
% Create the 2nd order proces
% Show stepresonse of system with feedback
Tsim=10; % Simulation time in seconds
Rootlocus plot
% Show the root locus plot of H