Example H5.2
Matlab code for example 5.2 from the book "Regeltechniek voor het HBO"
Improvement of the system behaviour through feedback
- Date : 02/03/2022
- Revision : 1.0
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Regulation of the water level in a storage vessel
We consider the regulation of the water level in a storage vessel (see figure 5.4). We could see this as a slightly more modern version of the process in figure 5.1.
This system is a regulator system: the desired level c in the vessel must, despite disturbances, remain as good as possible at the set value. The level
is measured by a float. The lever
is used as a comparator to determine the deviation from the desired value r. From this mechanical input the regulator will supply a mechanical pressure
of sufficient power to operate the valve actuator which sets the valve opening x. This determines the input flow q to the vessel. The block diagram of the whole process can be seen in figure 5.5. It shows how the feedback is created. As a result, disturbances in the system are corrected as quickly as possible. In figure 5.4 easily shows how the regulator system works with an increase or decrease of the in- or output flow.