Example H3.7

MATLAB code for example 3.7 from the book "Regeltechniek voor het HBO"

Bode diagram and Polar diagram of first order system

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Table of Contents

The given situation

Assume that a first order system, type RC-network, is given as in figure 3.2 in the book:
Assume that K > 0 and that ω and τ are also > 0 . Thus the following equations are valid for the length and the angle of the vector :

Bode diagram

Before we draw the bodediagram using MATLAB commands we could already think about how it could look like. Let us first take the case where ω is very small and approaching zero. In that case: and . Then let's take the case where ω is very big. Then and
Another interesting case is the one where . This we call the breaking point. Here , that is why it is also called the -3dB point.
In order to draw a bode diagram in MATLAB we need to assign some numbers:
% clear all variables from Workspace and close all figures
clear variables;
close all;
% Define 's' variable
R =10000; % Ohm
C = 1e-6; % Farad
K = 1; % Gain of the RC network is one
Tau = R*C;
H = K / (s*Tau+1);
grid on;
% Fix the frequency range to make it easier to see the effect of
% a changing value for R
xlim([1 1e6]);

Nyquist diagram (polaire figuur)



We can see in both diagrams that the amplitude of the harmonic outputsignal gets smaller and the phase difference gets biggers as the frequency increases. A response like this is called a Low Pass Filter response.

Generate MATLAB figure(s) for usage in the book

Init create Enhanced Figures

Close all the earlier enhanced figures with a certain tag
EnhancedFig = findobj(0, 'Tag', 'EnhancedImage');

Enhance the figures

% Give it a tag
set(gcf, 'Tag','EnhancedImage');
% create the pzmap plot again but now with a figure handle
h = nyquistplot(H); % Use this command to return plot handle to programmatically customize the plot.
p = getoptions(h);
p.XLim = {[0, 1.5]};
p.YLim = {[-0.7, 0.5]};
p.ShowFullContour = 'off'; % Only show positive frequencies
p.Title.String = 'Nyquist Diagram for a first order system';
p.Xlabel.String = 'Re(H)';
p.Ylabel.String = 'Im(H)';
% Calculate location axis
Xoffset=0.14; % left part of the figure window not used by the graph
Scale=0.8; % part of the whole figure window used by the graph
% Place labels
% Place textarrows
omega = char(969); % Greek letter omega
annotation(figure1,'textarrow','X',[0.468 0.401],'Y',[0.188 0.231],...
'String',[omega, ' = 1 /tau']);
annotation(figure1,'textarrow','X',[0.73 0.655],'Y',[0.53 0.56],'String',[omega, ' = 0']);
annotation(figure1,'textarrow','X',[0.24 0.15],'Y',[0.60 0.56],'String',[omega, ' = inf']);