Example H2.2

MATLAB code for example 2.2 from the book "Regeltechniek voor het HBO"

Making a block diagram of a 'independently energized' DC motor

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Table of Contents

Electrical part

We are going to draw up the block diagram of a so-called independently energized dc motor. That is a motor for which the magnetic field in the air gap between rotor and stator is constant. When the motor is connected to the supply voltage , a current i flows and rotation occurs. However, the angular velocity ω then generates a voltage e that is directly proportional to this () and opposes the voltage . If we call the ohmic resistance of the rotor circuit and the self-induction of the rotor windings , we can write for the 'electrical part' of the motor:
and also:
Also, the angular velocity ω of the shaft is the derivative of the shaft angle θ :
. Translating to the s-domain: .

Mechanical part

The torque m delivered by the motor - because of the independent excitation - is directly proportional to the current i and this torque is used to increase the angular velocity and overcome the bearing friction (see also §2.5.3). This can be expressed as follows.
and also:
So this is the 'mechanical part' of the motor; if desired, the fixed torque resulting from what is driven, the so-called load torque, must also be taken into account. Of course c, J and are constants. From these two simultaneous equations, the block diagram is drawn in figure 2.36 using:
Using equation 2.8, we now obtain as the total transmission function:
Two things stand out in this expression: